Ready to get started with TILLS™? Here’s a quick guide to what you’ll need.
TILLS Examiner's Kit
This single kit has everything you need to administer, score, and interpret the TILLS test. The Examiner’s Kit includes:
Quick Start Guide. Keep this convenient laminated guide close at hand for an overview of the test, summaries of the subtests, and basic instructions for administration and scoring.
Examiner’s Manual. All the information you need to diagnose with TILLS. Includes information on administrating, scoring, and how to interpret scores for the TILLS subtests.
Technical Manual. Your essential guide to TILLS development, validity and reliability, and more.
Examiner’s Practice Workbook. Get detailed practice material for scoring each subtest, transforming raw scores into standard scores, and interpreting the scores.
TILLS Forms. You’ll get 25 Examiner Record Forms to record and score student responses, plus 25 Student Response Forms your students will use to record responses on four TILLS subtests.
Student Language Scale. Completed by parents, teachers, and students, this one-page checklist reveals each party’s perspective on how the student is performing on academic tasks and allows you to screen for disorders.
Stimulus Book. All the print stimuli you need to administer TILLS subtests.
Digital Audio Files. Collected for you on one convenient USB, these files are for presenting the stimuli for two TILLS subtests. Additional audio files demonstrate examiner pronunciations for select subtests and provide examples of students’ oral responses.
TILLS Examiner’s Kit: Now with Tele-TILLS | $599.95 | ISBN 978-1-68125-532-3 | 2016
After a timely 2020 study supported the validity of administering TILLS virtually, the TILLS developers have made supplemental Tele-TILLS materials available to guide users who are supporting students in online settings. Existing TILLS users who own a copy of the standard TILLS Examiner’s Kit are eligible to purchase Tele-TILLS.
Tele-TILLS™ | $99.95 | ISBN 978-1-68125-475-3 | 2020
SLS Screener for Language & Literacy Disorders
An ideal companion to the groundbreaking TILLS test! Screen with SLS, and then follow up and diagnose with TILLS. Filled out by parents, teachers, and students, the screener is a quick, cost-effective solution for testing for dyslexia in schools and to see how students are performing on academic tasks as compared to their same-age peers. Use the SLS to:
- Screen for language/literacy disorders, including dyslexia, by gathering teachers' and parents' ratings of students
- Gather input about a struggling student's strengths and needs from multiple sources
- Enhance home–school communication by gaining new insight into the student's performance and the teacher's, parents', and student's perspectives on it, whether or not everyone agrees and whether or not there are concerns
Each kit includes one SLS User’s Manual, one gummed tablet of 50 TILLS™ Student Language Scale forms, and one SLS Quick Start Guide with basic instructions on administering and scoring.
SLS Screener Kit | $79.95 | ISBN 978-1-68125-271-1 | 2018
TILLS Practice Kit
Are you planning TILLS training and practice sessions? Order this kit, perfect for use in preservice higher education courses and inservice trainings. With the TILLS Practice Kit, you’ll:
- Give your trainees a complete overview of TILLS
- Familiarize trainees with the TILLS subtests through practice exercises
- Offer concrete examples of standardized testing principles
- Provide practice for scoring and interpreting all subtests
Each kit includes one Examiner’s Practice Workbook, the Practice Kit Downloads needed to complete the workbook exercises, a pack of 3 Examiner Record Forms to work through the exercises in the workbook, and one Quick-Start Guide.
TILLS Practice Kit | $49.95 | ISBN 978-1-68125-198-1 | 2016
TILLS Easy-Score
Your convenient, free electronic scoring solution for TILLS, the Easy-Score saves you time by automating the following steps:
- Calculates the student’s age based on birth date and test date to help ensure accuracy.
- Converts raw scores you enter to standard scores and percentile ranks for each subtest.
- Completes the Scoring Chart for you, populating the composite scores, identification core score, total score, and the standard scores and percentile ranks of the total and composite scores.
- Completes the Identification Chart to inform you if the student’s results are consistent with the presence of a language/literacy disorder.
- Generates a PDF report you can print or save for a student’s file or share with parents or school personnel.
Need more forms? This package includes 25 Examiner Record Forms to record and score student responses, plus 25 Student Response Forms your students will use to record responses on four TILLS subtests.
TILLS Forms Set | $99.95 | ISBN 978-1-68125-070-0 | 2016
Student Language Scale
You can order packages of 50 additional Student Language Scale forms, one-page checklists completed by parents, teachers, and students.
TILLS Student Language Scale | $34.95 | ISBN 978-1-59857-911-6 | 2016
Examiner’s Practice Workbook
Extra copies of the Examiner’s Practice Workbook are available separately. The workbooks provide you and/or your trainees with step-by-step exercises for each of the TILLS subtests, plus complete instructions on scoring procedures and practice opportunities.
TILLS Examiner’s Practice Workbook | $24.95 | ISBN 978-1-59857-913-0 | 2016
TILLS Quick Start Guide
Sold in convenient packs of 5, these laminated trifold guides keep TILLS basics at your fingertips. You’ll get an overview of the test, a walkthrough of test administration, summaries of individual subtests, and scoring information.
TILLS Quick Start Guide | $29.95 | ISBN 978-1-59857-914-7 | 2016
Live Seminar Training
If in-person training on TILLS is the best option for you, contact Brookes On Location to set up a one- or two-day seminar at a convenient time and place.
You’ll get step-by-step training in administration of the 15 TILLS subtests, with an emphasis on increasing fidelity and reducing the time it takes to administer and score. Guided practice opportunities help you implement, score, and interpret TILLS with ease, and you can add more learning modules from the list below to customize the seminar to your needs. (Choose two additional modules from this list for a one-day seminar, and select four to six modules for a two-day seminar.)
- More in-depth exploration of student profiles (e.g., dyslexia)
- Going from the TILLS profile to intervention decisions
- Use of TILLS in tracking student changes over time or for district-wide use
- More detailed discussion on the theoretical quadrant model, psychometric properties of the TILLS or uses for research
- Use of TILLS with special populations such as students with autism spectrum disorders, hearing impairment, or mild intellectual disability
- Use of the Student Language Scale to gather multiple perspectives from teachers, parents, students or others regarding student academic performance