Now Available: Tele-TILLS
Test of Integrated Language and Literacy Skills™ for Telepractice (Tele-TILLS™)
TILLS™ is the assessment professionals rely on to test students’ oral and written language skills—and now we have the evidence that this trusted test can be reliably administered using distance technology when you can’t see students face to face.
After a timely 2020 study supported the validity of administering TILLS virtually, the TILLS developers have made supplemental Tele-TILLS materials available to guide users who are supporting students in online settings. Existing TILLS users who own a copy of the standard TILLS Examiner’s Kit are eligible to purchase Tele-TILLS materials.
For instructions on how to purchase and access Tele-TILLS, please follow the below link and review the entire product description at the Brookes Publishing store.